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January 17, 2024

Sustainable success: OWIS Nanyang primary students lead the way in campus initiatives for 2023

Date of the article: 15 December 2023

In 2023, OWIS Nanyang Primary students exhibited commendable initiatives for a sustainable campus. The school undertook various endeavors to demonstrate our commitment to fostering a sustainable environment for students, emphasizing the active involvement of students in recycling initiatives.

One noteworthy programme that achieved significant success involved the utilisation of recycled materials. Beyond simply depositing items into designated recycling bins, students were encouraged to integrate recycling into their educational experience. Consequently, during hands-on learning activities that required building and experimentation, students turned to their dedicated recycling corner for resources. The self-created materials from this corner were proudly showcased in Unit Shares organized by different grade levels. Parents visiting these exhibits were invited to engage in activities utilising resources crafted entirely from recyclable materials.

The popularity of recyclable materials grew among students, extending into their Art classes where these materials found diverse applications. This student-led initiative resulted in the creation of crafts using recyclables, which were subsequently sold at class fun-fairs. The funds raised were directed towards various non-governmental organisations.

Addressing food wastage emerged as a priority at the onset of the academic year. Recognising the substantial volume of food waste, efforts were made over two terms to instill awareness and responsible practices among students. Reminders were strategically displayed on display system and both student council members and teachers actively engaged with students to emphasise the importance of minimising food wastage. During Parent Partnership Seminars, parents were encouraged to order appropriate food portions and make informed choices with their children to reduce food waste. By the end of the year, OWIS Nanyang successfully achieved the milestone of requiring only one waste bin in the canteen, marking a significant reduction in food wastage.

The campus takes pride in these accomplishments and eagerly anticipates continued enthusiastic participation in sustainable initiatives in the upcoming year.

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